Sunday 12 December 2010

Tiny Timmy Appeal for Votes

* Tap tap - AMENDED TO ADD VIDEO of Timmy *

After my last post (I hope you have all written or emailed!!) I am sharing a more hopeful idea.  Tiny Timmy who was neurologically damaged by over the counter flea treatments.  He and Mum is joining the tough competition to try and get funding from the Pepsi Refresh Challenge.  Why?   They want to  :-

  • Educate pet owners on non-toxic, effective flea & tick treatments
  • Provide low cost/free non-toxic flea & tick products to those in need
  • Arrange and coordinate help to disabled and elderly pet owners
  • Tour 20 communitites in the first 6 month of the Tiny Timmy Tour

What Timmy and his Mum want to do matters a lot - and they have big aims and ideas.  Please vote for them every day, and lets get them way up beyond their current 104th place.  If they won funding they would work at the grass roots, where real action and real change take place.

Please vote.  Mum and I vote every day and do not get spammed and stuff.  Vote in the white box on the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry I am trying to make it fit better but the click works!

* nosetaps *

Dash Kitten.


  1. I will do that for Tiny Timmy for sure. Every day too. Thanks Dash.

  2. Oh we didn't know Timmy was in the Pepsi thing - we will have to go vote! We had a link for his Chipin while it was going and think it is so great they are trying to teach others!

  3. Such a cute video!

