Friday 27 August 2010

BlogPaws West - News Update

* Tap Tap - rustle of paper as Dash puts down Anipal Times and picks up Microphone *

I have just been reading in Anipal Times that there is going to be a new BlogPaws West in September.

For all of you in the US who blog - this is a must visit event it's in * checks notes * Denver, Co. So I had better go look that up I don't know where Co is.....  Fun people go to BlogPaws, there are real speakers who have lots of good advice and a whole heap of fun is had too.

Check out the Anipal Times article here for more information.


  1. Hai, Dash!
    It is nice to meet yoo! We read abowt you on our pal, Rumblebum's bloggie.

    We kno where CO iz, but mom can't afford to travel, so I guess she won't go dis year. She is furry sads, cuz she wuz hoping der would be a "West" one, but iz not far enuf west fur her to attend. Mewf! Mebbee next time, she sez!

    Well, we look forward to reading you adventures! Feel free to stop by our bloggie anytime!

    Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches
