Friday 13 October 2023

In Memoriam Pages 2023 and 2024

This is the home of Dash Kitten's In Memoriam reports. Instead of having individual reports, we have decided to collect our friend's here together on this blog. 

This collection moves forward from October 2023 with a small gap I hope to fill as time goes by.

  • Ernie, Island Cats
  • Lola Rescued Cat
  • Brian Frum 
  • Sage from Savannah Paw Tracks
  • Bailey Boat Cat
  • Valentine

Ernie, Island Cat

From Sue, Ernies loving Mum.

"Yesterday morning, Ernie left this world and made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge. He bravely fought small cell lymphoma for 6 1/2 years and had several other health issues. He was such a trooper…putting up with the many vet visits, taking his various medications and me constantly worrying about him."

Lola the Rescued Cat

Lola has been a steadfast leader in the cat community for many years. She educated us about rescue cats, reviewed top puality products and made us laugh. Her blog is lovely and you can rad her Mum's report on her passing here. Lola was an absolute joy to read about and we met her Mom at Blogpaws some years ago. 

Farewell friend. 

Brian Frum

9 October 2023. The loss of Brian was a blow to the pet blogosphere. 

Brian has been a lifetime friend to so many. His blog continues with the family carrying on the tradition of love, humour and gentle fun.

SAGE from Savannah's Paw Tracks

The loss of sweet Sage was sudden and devastating for her parents and fur family. You can read the loving tribute to her by her Mom Linda at the link. Rest in peace Sage, who I had the honour to meet in San Francisco some years ago. Her family misses her.

 Bailey Boat Cat 

"I’m writing one last time to thank you all for your furiendship over the years. I have asked the humans to post this once I’ve gone as it is now my turn to go over the rainbow bridge. Try not to be sad, I have lived my nine lives to the full.

I wish all of you fair winds and following seas and most of all I wish you the greatest of furiends to share them with.

Thank you again.



Bailey Boat Cat – 9/7/2011 – 2/1/2024"


We lost a lovely and true friend recently with the passing of Valentine. You will find a lovely tribute to Valentine from our friend Erin at the link. Val isn't blogging any more but his memory is treasured by so many of us. 

Thursday 10 November 2022

Dash Kitten In Memoriam Pages from July 2021 Onwards

 This is the home of Dash Kitten's In Memoriam reports. Instead of having individual reports, we have decided to collect our friend's here together. 

  1. Alan @RustyNail1976 on Twitter (Late addition) 
  2. George Clooney of Clooney's Num Num Fund
  3. Finley Rose
  4. Peter O Cusack
  5. Tucker - I have three cats.
  6. Dolly - Brian's Forever Home
  7. Stanley Chandler
  8. Mizz Bassie
  9. Little Binky

We lost Alan during an operation in the U.K.. He leaves behind a lady Shawnee and had a family of three beloved cats. Life was not fair to Alan nor where the health services.

God Bless and farewell friend.

Little Binky

A cat whose blog you visited with so much pleasure and left with joy in your heart. You walked around her garden, and saw her special Angel's Place, and her flowers and her calm joy. Her loss is heartbreaking for those who loved her and the many visitors who loved her blog. Binky, our heartfelt condolences to your family and our gratitude for sharing your life with us.

Little Binky RIP Memorial Flowers

Mizz Bassie

I was proud to call Mizz Bassie, a magnificent Main Coon, a friend on Twitter for many years. She acted as quizmistress during dozens of Twitter parties. She was an awesome friend who helped us raise a lot of money for countless charities when Twitter was a lot kinder than it is now, and she always had time to say hello.

Memorial for Mizz Bassie long time Twitter friend and wonderful cat

Stanley Chandler

For Stan, my friend J was a last chance. Stan was highly strung, overwrought and had been left in a room with no human or cat company, just being fed for months. 

The rescue were at their wit’s end. So J took him on and day by; day, month by month; and year by year Stan’s spirit was nourished, and his confidence returned. There were dramas and upsets along the way but Stan grew to be a confident cat over time.

Memorial image for Stanley Chandler

Dolly - Brians Forever Home

Her beauty, her fur and her gorgeous eyes made her a unique and specal cat who it was always a joy to see on Brian’s blog. Alongside many others we commented on Terry’s post and grieve the family’s loss of a fine cat. Two of the pet blogosphere’s finest artists have created memorial images for Dolly. They reflect her pretty grace and her feline dignity and I know they will be treasured by Brian and the family. 

Cat memorial image
Cat memorial image

Tucker - I have three cats

Memorial Image for Tucker the cat

Pete Cusack - Timmy Tomcat Commentary

Memorial for a dear cat friend who we have lost.

It is not often I write a memorial post for anyone beyond the family, unless it is a kitty friend but today I remember Dash Kitten blog’s friend and supporter Peter O Cusack, or Pete as we knew him, who passed away on 20th November 2021. 

I visited Timmy Tomcat blog for the selfies, touching base at least once a week and sometimes reading another post that caught my eye. Pete commented on posts here at the blog that mattered a lot to him and that sometimes helped him on his own photography journey.  I am including the Cat Blogosphere Memorial here as it says so much for every single one of us. 

We were all devastated to learn that our fellow blogger Pete Cusack, from the blog Tomcat Commentary by Tim, passed away on November 20, 2021. Pete was a cherished friend to so many of us and was there for his blogging friends, always. Our hearts are heavy with sorrow.

Cat Blogosphere
Memorial for a dear cat friend who we have lost.
George Clooney of Clooney’s Num Num Fund

George Clooney was someone who once asked an important questions about one of our cat’s health. He passed on the 2nd of July 2021.

Dash Kitten in memoriam pages George Clooney

Finley Rose – Kinley Westie

We always enjoyed seeing Finley as part of the Sunday Selfies at The Cat on my Head. He is a much missed member of the Kinley Westie blog. 

Dash Kitten in memoriam pages Finley Rose

In Memoriam Pages From 2013 to June 2021

This is the home of Dash Kitten's In Memoriam reports. Instead of having individual reports, we have decided to collect our friend's here together. For July 2021 onwards there is a new page. The page has been moved here from

  1. A selection of early memories
  2. @3phiboticelli
  3. Bode @4catsstrapski
  4. Perry the Birman
  5. @Morriscat
  6. The Yonkers Cats
  7. @IamSmittyKitty
  8. @Nylablue
  9. Truffles Cat Blogger
  10. Moosey
  11. Timmy Lipenda
  12. CJ Legend Kitty
  13. TSK
  14. Flynn Two Devon Cats
  15. Dusty
  16. Ruby Daetwyler-West
  17. @CheshireK
  18. Siddartha Henry/Heintje
  19. Sara Andrews
  20. Lucy 15andMeowing
  21. Radish friend of Layla Morgan Wilde
  22. Sparklecat
  23. Alicia Rollins
  24. Daisy Sparklecat
  25. Crockett Lone Star Cats
  26. Jaya of @ShivaandJaya
  27. Brewskie Butt
  28. Luna
  29. Prydwen Chandler and Romilly (plus media cats)
  30. Shiva of Shiva and Jaya
  31. Street Cat Bob.
  32. Boris Kitty
  33. Guido the Italian Cat
  34. Newt the Liver Shunt cat
  35. Bear Cat Kern
  36. Speedy the House Bunny
  37. Timmy TomCat
  38. Arthur the White Cat

Timmy Tomcat (June 2021)


We lost Timmy Tomcat. His Dad announced it on the blog and a million hearts broken into pieces. Timmy and his dad are one of my most anticipated visits on the Selfie blog hop and also some of my most informed commenters. They always respond if they have learned something and want to share. I am so grateful for their friendship.

Please visit Pete and the family here. If you are short on time, please comment on Timmy's blog rather than here at Dash Kitten. Right now there is a Timmy shaped hole in the world and we need to let his dad Pete know what we care.

Speedy The House Bunny

Speedy was a lively blogger which a Christmas contest remembered by many and plenty of outdoor explorations.

Image of a bunny in the sunshine

Bear Cat Kern

A unique and inspiring cat has left us suddenly. Bear was the muse and creative inspiration to his mom Kat and his loss hit us all like a thunderbolt. Please, take a moment to read his mum's tribute to her soul mate and joy.

Bear Cat Kern RIP memorial
Bear Cat Kern RIP memorial


Holding Spot

Guido the Italian Cat

Guido the magnificent cat Dash Kitten In Memoriam Pages

This week we lost one of the internet's most popular cats. Guido. He was a blogger, and a natural in front of the camera as his many Facebook fans will know. His mum came online and held him close as he said goodbye and then, he left us. Farewell Guido, an inspirational fashionista and cat who brought so much great joy.

Boris Kitty

Boris Kitty Memorial image 2020

This week we heard of the passing of Twitter icon, fundraiser and #Pawfleet Commander Boris Kitty. We took part in the annual #SciFiPawty with great joy and donated gifts to help raise funds for Boris's favourite rescue One by One. Twitter was a good place for anipal fundraisers in those early days.

We have lost the finest Twitter friend whose vision, love for other cats and humour lit up the world.

SciFiPawty 2017 with Boris Kitty for One by One Rescue Dash Kitten In Memoriam Pages

Street Cat Bob - In Memoriam Pages

On Monday the 14th of June I heard about the passing of an icon and a legend. Street Cat Bob was a life changer for his best friend James Bowen. The world has lost an advocate for ginger cats and strays worldwide, and James lost the soul mate who transformed his life.

When I visited their page on Facebook there are over 65,000 comments on the memorial post. Sixty-Five THOUSAND people felt they needed to speak out about what Bob meant to them. 

I did too, and I fight tears as I write now.

Street Cat Bob snapshot of his famous pose in Covent Garden.

Bob and James’ photographs have been seen countless times around the world as James and he toured to promote the books and the number of scarves knitted for Bob must have been enough to fill wardrobes of space. 

That makes me smile. How many scarves is enough for a beloved and world-famous cat whose story was translated into countless different languages and who must have changed lives all over the globe?

From our ginger, Jack, thank you James and Street Cat Bob and friend Gary for your wonderful life-affirming books.

Shiva of Shiva and Jaya

We learned today of the loss of a friend. Jaya of @ShivaandJaya passed away from heart failure. The cats do not have a blog but have been an eccentric and cheeky part of our Twitter lives for a long time. I will miss Jaya.

Both Shiva and Jaya have helped their mum through depression and PTSD so you can understand how much they are missed. Youngster Sparkle carries on the family tradition of support on their Twitter feed. If you are a Twitter user (even if it's infrequently) please take a moment to send condolences.

Sometimes your friends will create images that you love. Jaya In Memoriam Image

Prydwen Chandler and Romilly

It has been a tough week for the cat blogging community online and for us. On Monday the cat bloggers lost sweet Crockett from Lone Star Cats, and then on Thursday my long-standing friend in England, Jed lost two cats within hours of each other which has left him devastated, and then I learned on the loss of Grumpy Cat. 

  • Your prayers for Jed on the loss of Prydwen (his soul cat) and Priddy's best friend Romilly, would be greatly appreciated.

Luna Twining

Our long time Twitter friend @LilyLuTwoT has lost her beloved cat Luna

If you are on Twitter and have a moment, please drop by with some kind words.

Luna the Cat

Brewskie Butt .... Do You Remember?

Brewskie Butt, our ginger ninja Twitter buddy of long long standing has gone.

He crossed the Bridge, leaving behind grieving friends who remember his vibrant and lively presence on Twitter, and who welcomed his repartee at the many parties we all used to attend together, as well as the fundraisers we all supported with such commitment and enjoyment.

I came across one of the Brew's Posse posts from 2009!What the heck, what happened to all the time in between? The post we found perfectly captures the joy, and fun and commitment of the animal Twitter community. It is something those of us who where on Twitter in the early days treasure with all our hearts - those were good times. 

"[Twitter] is a very positive and supportive group that chronicles the lives of pets and other animals and is dedicated to making the world a better place for critters." - Vicki Boatright   How many of you remember the parties on Tweetgrid and the mad flurries as we all tried to keep up and catch up, and say hi to everyone.   The Brew's Twitter account is filled with some of the most awesome pictures of our friend, so please, take a moment to go and enjoy them. Brewskie Butt and his buddy Perry the Birman rocked the happiest times with us on Twitter and his loss strikes deep in our hearts.  

A Snatch of Poetry for Brewskie Butt

We close our farewell with a verse of poetry that captures the spirit of our friend better than we ever feel we could.   

Rarely, rarely, comest thou, Spirit of Delight! Wherefore hast thou left me now Many a day and night? Many a weary night and day 'Tis since thou are fled away.  Percy Bysshe Shelley   

Farewell wonderful friend. Thank you some unforgettable times. For laughter, and cheer, for adding such joy and richness to our lives.   

Jaya of @ShivaandJaya on Twitter

Jaya In Memoriam Image

We learned today of the loss of a friend. Jaya of @ShivaandJaya passed away from heart failure. The cats do not have a blog but have been an eccentric and cheeky part of our Twitter lives for a long time. I will miss Jaya

Crockett Lone Star Cat

Today as we join Brian's hop we want to note the grievous and tragic loss of sweet cat Crockett from Lone Star Cats in an accident.

Crockett In Memoriam
Crockett In Memoriam

Our hearts are broken and heavy with grief at the loss of such a lovely and fun-loving youngster. You do not need to comment on our post, although I will not disable comments as this is Brian's hop.

Daisy Sparklecat

This week we lost one of the internet's first and finest celebricats Daisy. Always a delight, her audience these days would probably outstrip most high profile felines. She made everyone's day brighter and her loss is immense.

DAISY-Forever Ann Adamus

Alicia Rollins

Today we lost a long time online friend Alicia Rollins. She was a woman of great imagination who travelled many paths and whose life touched mine through Yahoo and a group that gathered under the banner of Frank the Cat. 

This small and close-knit collection of people had its adventures, life threw us thrills and spills, but in our hearts we had, and still have, a rock solid place for each other, one that comes with time and a profound love for animals, and respect and love for each other.

Daffodils - 'dillies' as far as the eye can see - these are for you Lish. Do you see them Petie, all for you! We will miss you so very much.


Our scheduled post has been binned - we need to say something much more important. We have heard sad news from the cat we admire more than any other. 

Having read this, we need to stand up and thank her for her mentoring and her support.

We Will Not Be Sad, Sparkle is Leaving us is Good Paws

It grieves us greatly that she is stepping down and is seriously ill but she has posted a gracious farewell and a thank you to her many fans who love her greatly. We respect the reasons for stepping down but still.....

Thank you for your friendship, and being an inspirational blogger who led the way for us. We will miss you more than anyone at can ever say. We will welcome young Summer with all the warmth and generosity you showed us as newbies.

Welcome Summer - Trainee Therapy Cat

Thank You

Google Reaer is Gone!

Dash Kitten
Founder Cat, In Memoriam Pages

It was not our intention to write an obituary but we just heard our beloved friend passed away today. Rest is Peace Sparkle. Our thanks to Alasandra Alawine for the memorial image of Sparkle.

Remembering Radish

Radish the Cat
© Image Credit Layla Morgan Wilde at

Our friend Layla Morgan Wilde took sweet guy Radish into her home and recorded his story just before and until he passed. Her farewell is here, and still moves us greatly. RIP Radish the cat.

Never hesitate to adopt a cat in need

Radish the Cat 18 June Memorial
© Image Credit Layla Morgan Wilde at

We followed Layla and Radish on their short journey, we will never forget this sweet boy.

Lucy at @15andmeowing

We pay tribute today to Lucy from 15andMeowing. Pretty, graceful and full of fun, she crossed the Bridge on the 11th of September 2015.

Lucy's Mum Ellen is a lovely, kind lady who reached out to us when Harvey was ill. Rest in Peace Lucy - sweet and gracious cat. 

Sara Andrews

I think many of you will have heard of the recent and sad loss of one of blogging's finest editors and writers.

Tribute to a Writer, Rest In Peace, Sarah Andrews (Roby Sweet) 1

I didn't know Sara as a person, but I knew her as a fine blogger, writer, and gifted editor who inspired trust. She developed a great bond with her authors, including our friend Erin and her dad Mark. Deb Barnes, President of the Cat Writers Association penned the following tribute to a writer and editor:

"Sarah had a significant presence in the cat blogging world, with most knowing her by her pen name, Roby Sweet. She was not only an associate member of the CWA, but a member of both the Editorial Freelancers Association and the American Copyeditors Society and a Partner Member of the Alliance of Independent Authors." - Deb Barnes Pres. CWA

You can find Miss Cuddlywumps Books at this link*.

Bionic Basil

Basil is being featured this week for a special reason. Also because we believe our boy and his hard working writer mom need a massive boost. Their blog is epic in feeling and totally dazzling is scope.

Basil and the B Team's adventures are legendary and superbly imaginative. They are readable, fun and inspired by one of the most amazing cats - Basil himself. Read the first chapters of their latest epic adventure.

Now the really hard part. Basil is terminally ill and may not be his mum's muse for much longer. How long we don't know, but this is the reason his mum has been offline a lot. She has been tending to him with the utmost love and every ounce of care she has, rather than spending time online.

Bionic Basil blog

Needless to say, Basil is held in our hearts and our healing thoughts every single day. We hope you will include him in your thoughts and purrayers as well.  He is so greatly loved, and his mum and dad need your support.

Purrince Siddartha Henry/Heintje

Today is a tribute to a joyful spirit we have loved to visit with the Sunday Selfies for many months. We heard the desperate news from his Mum that the Purrince passed suddenly this past week and our hearts broke.

We wish to celebrate Siddartha Henry/Heintje of the NylabluesMom blog. A cat loved by so very many friends. This post is dedicated to a cat we loved and miss because Buddha Cat called him Home.


Sometimes a friend passes and we feel sad. Other times a thunderbolt hits you through the heart in spite of distant warnings and previous illness. So it is with Purrince Siddartha Henry/Heintje.

We followed the joyful times he loved going out in his harness and enjoyed being outdoors, and we followed the trials and struggles of the illness that finally overcame him.

His vibrant and playful spirit came across in the blog posts we all loved to read. We smiled, we laughed at his mischief and we worried when he took a turn for the worst. People were always ready with an encouraging word, a gift, and helpful advice for their beloved friend.

When a vet recommended the Purrince be sent over the Bridge his mum refused and fought on for him for many months. We could sense his LadyMum was profoundly distressed at the suggestion so many rallied round to give her strength and encouragement.

Purrince Siddartha

Sweet Prince, you will be missed by your LadyMum, by us here at Dash Kitten, and hundreds of friends scattered around the world. The Meezers and Terriersitical Woofs have done some splendid tribute images.

We finish our In Memoriam with a quote from Hamlet by British playwright William Shakespeare. It is spoken by Hamlet's best friend Horatio.

"Now cracks a noble heart. – Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thyrest!"

Farewell Siddartha Henry.


Our buddy CheshireK long time Twitter pal has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Our post expresses our sadness at the loss of a friend who never left our hearts. Cheshire was a strong supporter of the famous Twitter pawties as part of the Sekurity team and although his family got busy saving rescue cats and having a good job Cheshire was never forgotten.

Cheshire In Memoriam image

His bete noir Reggie misses him, so do the Cheeses - who are a story in themselves.The #Angelgang

In memoriam Angelgang

Ruby Daetwyler-West

We are celebrating one of our oldest friendships, with our friends Roger and Linda who live in England, and pay tribute to the lovely cat they have lost.

Mum was bridesmaid at Linda and Roger's wedding, which still brings back joyful memories so many years later; and on a visit to England a few years ago, we enjoyed visiting them and catching up. We met Ruby then and it was with great sadness that we heard a few days ago that Ruby had suddenly died in an accident.

Ruby was as loved, and spoiled as any cat I know and her death has hit her family hard. Linda and Roger have lost a family member and we hope that this tribute can be our memorial to a wonderful cat who meant the world to two of our dearest friends.

The memorial notice says more than we ever could about the loss of a dearly loved cat who now waits for her mum and dad across the Rainbow Bridge.

Driving Mr Dusty

Our wonderful Driving Mr Dusty movie star has gone. Dusty crossed the Bridge, on his own terms, on the 24th of May 2017. He left while he was laid on the sofa beside me. I was chatting to him about editing his Animates video trip which premiered on Facebook, and which is now on Vimeo.

That morning, Dusty let me wrap him a blanket. This is how I knew he was not going to stay long. He never wanted to be wrapped up, in spite of the New Zealand winter chills we have started to get. He stuck to his favourite Pro-Plan carry case bed, and his heated alpaca cushion bed and blanket, with a side trip to his covered 'bolthole' in the utility cupboard when he didn't feel too well.

How Dusty Became a Video Star

We found out at Christmas (due to his emergency vet visit) that he adored car rides, so, we began to take him for a drive, and the mini series Driving Mr Dusty was born. The pleasure he gained from these road trips was immense. He adoredthe car, he loved the wind in his fur, and the sense of motion. 

Dusty the Senior in serious pose

Driving Mr Dusty - His Final Trip

Dusty took a last evening drive the night before he crossed the Bridge. His dad Paul suggested an evening drive, down to the Petone foreshore that had been the scene of our first amazing road trip video. When we got to the seaside, we wound down the window........

and we could hear the waves. Although it was dark and there was a winter chill, Dusty showed some interest. Then, something magical happened, a strong breeze swept into the car and Dusty rose almost onto his front paws, and be seemed to breathe in the air, loving the feel of it on his fur...."

We want to celebrate Dusty and say how thankful we are that we adopted him as a senior. He taught us much including patience, loving senior cats, discovering cats loved car rides and made movies, and his strong and determined presence enriched our lives.

Dusty the Cat
Dusty Memorial picture.
Dusty Memorial picture.

Flynn Two Devon Cats 

FLYNN of Two Devon Cats

Flynn the ginger tabby from Two Devon Cats has been on our visit list since we became blog fans during the Sunday Selfies blog hop. We have visited for the Selfies every week, and looked forward to seeing Flynn walk the green fields around his home, enjoying a sunpuddle or two.  Sadly, we discovered the gingers after Flynn had lost his brofur Eric and so missed seeing them blog together.  

  • We would like to pay tribute to a Ginger Ninja on Thankful Thursday with Brian and his fur family. Thank you Jackie and Ivor for sharing Flynn with us all.

Many of you know and participate in the Sunday Selfies, and love Flynn as much as we do. Thanks to the Selfies and Kitties Blue, we made a point each week of visiting - the hop is a great reminder to go and visit. 

The pet blogging, and cat blogging community is a close-knit one, in spite of the fact that we are spread around the globe. We drop into each others living rooms and no-one needs to worry about hoovering. We share triumphs and, sometimes, sadness and feel the hurt of a loss very deeply.

Fly Free brave Flynn, fighter against illness, and ginger ninja.

Tsk In Memoriam

The loss of Tsk is immense, he was known to so many, and accepted the arrival of the late Ingrid Trinka's little dog Daffy with grace and aplomb. They became buddies. 

Tsk was so deeply loved, and held in such high regard that his loss will be felt by many around the cat and dog world.

I am sure moves will be afoot to provide a fitting memorial to Tsk. We will try to include details when they become available.

Please offer your condolences to @Danapixie on Twitter, or on Facebook.

The Dash Kitten Crew

CJ Legend Kitty

UPDATE : We are sad to announce the passing of our hero CJ Legend Kitty. His Mum Kathi told the world that CJ had told her it was time to go. We want to add our heartfelt condolences on the loss of such an amazing cat as CJ. Please, visit CJ's blog, or his Mum on FB. Plenty of tears here.....

You may remember us sharing a YouCaring appeal on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for our long-time cat buddy CJ the Legend Kitty, a fire survivor from several years ago in the Shawnee area of Kansas. It was a time of great drama that also, sadly, resulted in the loss of his brofur Cosmo. We feel a distant but heartfelt bond with CJ.

CJ's mum appealed for help to fund CJ's expensive treatment and we were happy to help donate. Sadly CJ is one of the tiny claws width of a sliver of 6% who the treatment doesn't always work for, so he is on different medication which is hoped will help.

Please join us in sending the best and most loving wishes to CJ Legend Kitty - he has a blog here. A comment or any tips and advice would be so nice for his mom at this worrying time.

CJ Legend Kitty

You may remember us sharing a YouCaring appeal on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ for our long-time cat buddy CJ the Legend Kitty, a fire survivor from several years ago in the Shawnee area of Kansas. It was a time of great drama that also, sadly, resulted in the loss of his brofur Cosmo. We feel a distant but heartfelt bond with CJ.

CJ's mum appealed for help to fund CJ's expensive treatment and we were happy to help donate. Sadly CJ is one of the tiny claws width of a sliver of 6% who the treatment doesn't always work for, so he is on different medication which is hoped will help.

CJ Legend Kitty

Please join us in sending the best and most loving wishes to CJ Legend Kitty - he has a blog here. A comment or any tips and advice would be so nice for his mom at this worrying time.

CJ Legend Kitty

Timmy Lipenda

We didn't want to write our In Memoriam for Tiny Timmy Lipenda so soon. Like so many of his thousands of supporters worldwide - we continued to hope for a miracle for the wobbly wonder boy and his mum Claudia TIetze after his recent diagnosis of a very rare form of cancer.

We join our friends with hearts full of grief as we have lost a truly magnificent fighter and a loving cat buddy. We send our condolences to Claudia who never gave up on Timmy. She changed the world for him and we have all been lucky enough to share their journey.

I loves you all & has sum very sadly mews. Last night I lost control of mai hind quarters so mai peep made an...

Posted by Timmy Lipenda on Tuesday, 9 February 2016

After a horrifying 'touch and go' start with life, almost beyond the imagination of a movie scriptwriter, Tiny Timmy Lipenda grew up to be a story of hopelove and a fight so strong that he will continue to change the world, even though he is gone. Timmy and Claudia fought to warn pet owners of the dangers of cheap 'Over The Counter' (OTC) flea treatments, documenting fatal tragedies and pinpointing the causes so they could warn others. Timmy's mum has become a fearsome fighter against these dangerous OTC remedies, ultimately developing the world-famous Dirty Flea Soap as a safe and viable alternative.

Timmy Lipenda having 'Acupooky'

Tiny Timmy, with the support of many wonderful friends worldwide, had his regular 'accupooky' and other treatments and has been a testament to how good therapies and remedies can be found to give hope to cats like himself.

Tiny Timmy The Legacy

  • Made in the U.S.A. Dirty Flea Soap - 100% pet (and human) safe and natural. Check out the testimonials for proof.
  • The Timmy Stones - a gift to the world. A memorial to those lost to OTC remedies, starting with Oliver.
  • - Packed with information on toxic remedies and what to do when the worst happens. The information is timeless and always relevant.
  • Alternatives to OTC treatments - Timmy site

Join us in celebrating, as Timmy requests, his wonderful life. Look at The Legacy - read what positive things you can do. Support the fight for safe flea treatments and encourage their use.


Moosey by Ann Adamus (c)

It shows the power of pet blogging and its worldwide reach that we mourn a fine and good looking cat in the United States who we never had the good fortune to meet, but one who, nevertheless, we cared deeply aboutMoosey from one of our favourite blogs Animal Shelter Volunteer Life *

The passing of a friend, even one so far away leaves us heart sore, but we thank Kevin and Tracey, Moosey's Mum and Dad for their love and care and their kindness in saying goodbye when the time came.

Truffles Cat Blogger

Blogging friend and colleague Melissa runs the nicest blog you could hope to read called Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries and Meows. As you can guess it's about her two loves; books and cats. Her cat Truffles has taken centre stage alongside fun book reviews giving her own special short 'n sweet spin on reviews too. That is until the 8th of July when a sudden catastrophic saddle thrombus (a blood clot at the base of her aorta) tore Truffles away from the lady who loves her most.

Emotive words? For sure. We lost Dash as suddenly, and abruptly, and heart wrenchingly, and we know Melissa will grieve more deeply than we can possibly venture to imagine at this moment. We feel powerless to help, but we and many others will be ready for Melissa if she needs us, when she says she missed Truffles and feels bereft and empty, when it all gets too much as the tears keep coming.

Rest in Peace Nylablue, Really Special, Amazing, and Wonderful Cat.

We have lost a special cat and our Memorial tribute to Nylablue is written with tears. Go read her farewell post - be moved and humbled by her gratitude and her huge amount of love. Comments have been disabled on this post, please visit Nylablue blog to leave a message of love for her and her Mum.

Nylablue was a best friend to her Mum Sherri and to us all, and her wonderful cat speak posts made us all smile.  Nylablye fought ill health for some time and thanks to the gracious and loving help of friends was granted extra time on earth to share her love and her time with her Mum.

In Memoriam Smitty

This past week we lost one of the brightest lights in the Twittersphere, and our pal @IamSmittyKitty passed over the Bridge. We had not realised that for a long time he had struggled with major health issues, fighting back time after time with the help of his loving Mum and Dad. We just saw a loving and bright friend who brightened our lives with his positive manner and his good soul. 


His death came like a bolt from the blue, and it hit his friend @Mr_Pie particularly hard. As each pal learned of his passing the shockwave on Twitter for us all was immense and deep. It is Pie I have to thank for the wonderful images here of our pal Smitty - pictures that I dearly hope will make you smile - I believe Smitty was a smiling happy soul - one whose memory we will treasure.

Smitty the Kitty in memoriam

If you have a moment, please, watch the little video. I know these things take a lot of time to assemble - and it was done with such love and affection you will smile, not cry.

Smitty the Kitty In Memoriam

The Yonkers Cats 

Most of you will have seen the shocking picture of the 25 cats found in Yonkers NY and been both upset and angry. Alley Cat Allies reports that a memorial to the cats will take place on 10th May. Participants will meet in the metered parking lot behind C.H. Martin Department Store (located at 2 Palisades Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10701) and walk the two blocks down to the site where the cats were found.

A memorial wreath will be laid where the cats were found and Ordained minister Dina Lenore Cirigliano will give the eulogy. Now having a minister give a eulogy for the cats is just a wonderful thing regardless of your faith and its strength - it means we are taken seriously.

“Humans do not own this earth,” says Kristin A. Crage, Yonkers resident and organizer of the memorial.  “We share it with animals and it's our responsibility to protect, watch over and respect them. All they want is our kindness.”

Our grief at the loss of so many wonderful cats so brutally grieves us greatly. If you are in New York, go and support the memorial. Those of you outside - share Alley Cat Allies graphic, and find a small place in your heart to send some love to those who were lost.

@Morriscat A Tribute to Twitter Cat Friend

Mum was on her way home from Europe when she heard that our Twitter pal @Morriscat has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We had hoped against hope that his illness could be beaten, that our wonderful Scottish friend would be with our crazy cat crew for much longer. This is one farewell we did not want to write.

Morris' mum @NellieJean has been moved by the many expressions of support and love since Morris went. She said that she wanted to thank people personally, but it was very hard when you can't type for the tears. So, don't think your message was overlooked - NJ and Mr L appreciate every single one.

Morris was a ginger charmer with a spirit of reckless adventure that, most memorably, saw him tightrope walking along the window ledge three high floors up, when his family moved into their new flat. We seem to remember Mr L coaxed him off the ledge, while NJ was sent from the room - scared stiff she would cause him to jump! When you say the window from ground level we were all white with fright. Morris was subsequently confined to #wlf barracks until adequate protection could be installed!

We will miss Morris, his humour and his boundless sense of fun. Farewell wonderful ginger ninja, you will always be our special Scottish friend and proud #WLF member. Ave et Vale Morriscat.

Perry the Birman

Perry The Birman

Perry is seriously ill and not eating. He is the most special Birman who Mum has known since her early Twitter days and we want everyone to send him some love, he is like a member of our own family.

  • Please, if you are on Twitter leave some of your best love for Perry here, and if you are on Facebook, will you leave some love for Perry and his family here. 

Miranda Kitten, In Memoriam Pages Pages

Bode @4catsstrapski


Yesterday evening, as Miranda was flying her mission with #TheAviators, we heard that our dear pal @4catsstrapski had crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He had not been well for a while but his loss leaves us heartbroken.  The Candle Page was here although Bode's candle may be across the Bridge with him now. We have added the poem from Vincent Rocket to our post.

He has been the light of his Mum's life - like us she is probably trying to be brave - but like us she grieves deeply. Our friend @NewtTheCat wrote these words in the comments below and we thank him for giving voice to our hearts :-

Bode’s voice was heard around the world, and positively affected so many – more than his mom can ever know. Gentlest of hugs and shared tears.

Bode was a long time Twitter regular, fun and one of our earliest friends and I hope to add a tribute from his close friends, but for now - we send our condolences to a wonderful WONDERFUL friend on her loss.


some bright sunny day.......
a poem by Vincent Rocket

az wee look back at da times wee shared....
wee remba da laffs.....
da fun....
and how much yoo cared.

always der for a pal in need...
no questions asked...
just racin to der side wif great kitty kat speed.

da funny pictures yoo sent everyday made us laff..
da silly pictures for sure were top ov da class!

wee remba yoos weddin....
mee waz der dat day....
mee waz honored to be der on dat beautiful day.

but wee must let yoo go now az yoos new journey begins....
i looked to da stars last night and mee waz sure...
mee heard violins.

wee luv yoo Bode...
in our hearts yoo will stay....
and someday wee bee togetha again some bright sunny day.

luv yoo...

Arthur The White Cat

A selection of earlier In Memoriam Pages

May I say a few words on each of our departed friends, I won’t stay long……?

Homer – the tributes have been many and heartfelt, how can we add more except to thank Gwen for her book, her love, and Homer’s whole life.

Jami – beloved friend of @MizzBassie a great friend and supporter of ours on Twitter. A tribute? I can do no better than direct you to the gracious words of Sparklecat – I could not say it better, or in words more deeply felt, Sparkle speaks for many of us. Magda and family, your grief is ours.

@Smokey8 – The news is so fresh I am not up to speed on the details but I need to say this – without Smokey and his wonderful Mum, our many joyful fundraising parties would be much MUCH poorer places. Smokey donated prizes from many Twitter anipal shops, thus supporting them and also enriching the pawties they donated to – they spread their good fortune to every corner and our debt to them is immense. The impact they have made on individual lives and charities cannot be calculated. Teresita, the loss of Smokey will be mourned by all of his Twitter friends.

Keisha – Keisha’s blog was always a joy to visit. Gentle news, family updates, a smile and a treat. The daily record of a dog living with quiet joy with Mum and Dad; each post a thoughtful reflection on life’s good things, its hopes and worries, and walks. How DR’s job hunt was going, the pleasure of sitting beside Dad watching the teevee, life’s simple things.  Keisha has gone – I want her Mum and Dad to know that I will miss her greatly.

@Picklemagnet – was a sweet Twitter friend, British catizen and proud member of the #wlf who fought illness and whose passing we mourn. Brofur Dash stands in silence holding his beret and weeping for his lost pal.  Stand proud Accrington – you lost a great catizen today.