Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Pet Treat Shopping with DashKitten

* checks notes on silvervine and begins to type *

OK guys, today's special treat for the pet in your life is a Silvervine Cushion from NipandBones. This silvervine has been causing quite a stir in the anipal world, with some saying it is like 'nip on speed. Wow - lucky US pals who can try this fantastic treat.

Silvervine is known as Silver Vine and Cat Powder, it is a non-toxic plant in the Actinidiaceae family. It grows in the mountainous areas of Japan and China at elevations between 500-1900 meters.  So, it is exotic and amazing to boot.  If you check out the link above you can see Baby patches, Chief Kit to Nip and Bones road testing the cushion for herself.

The cushions are modestly priced, allowing you to add a treat or two more to your shopping basket on your way to the checkout!


  1. Those silvervine pillows are AWESOME!

  2. I haven't tried the silvervine yet but I hear it's AMAZING!
