Tuesday, 22 March 2011

@Sockington Pins and #SciFiPawty News

* click whirrrr - got that pic mom? *

OK Pals I finally got Mom to take a couple of pics of me with my @Sockington pin.  It seemed a cause for celebration because, as @cheriswan let Mum and I know, the spins are now SOLD OUT!  This is totally awesome as Chance for Bliss got a portion of the sales proceeds!

The silvery square's my Apple Magic Trackpad Thingy

That Sockington is one heck of a guy, generous, helpful and very much his own kitty!  Someone for us all to look up to.

Oh and while I have your attention Don't Forget the #SciFipawty this week-end and add your RSVP to the Twitter throng who will party the week-end away with fun, prizes and online noms.  I will put up a reminder tomorrow for @BorisKitty.  Oh and if you want to donate a prize or help out contact @BorisKitty on Twitter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates, I would have missed one of them!
