Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thursday Night is Mario Night at Nipcub

* nudges notepad in front of computer screen and clears throat hem hem *

Thursday is #NipClub night and it's a special night.

Why? Well, my pal @MariodaCat is being honoured by anipals at #nipclub.  Mario is awesome, he says the nicest things when he comments on my blog and is a real cat pal.  If you check out the #nipclub site you will see the citation that honours my kind and good friend and his wonderful Mom.

In honour of Mario I am wearing my 'super' Mario outfit MOL  * raises glass to his pal * Cheers Mario!

1 comment:

  1. he he - you make a cute super mario too Dash. We feel very humbled at all this attention, but it so fun seeing eveyone in their Tuxie suit. Some are even downright funny - like George The Dick and some of the big doggies. Thanks so much.
