* blinks in amazement then punches the air in delight *
Guys, can you believe I have 100 followers? Wow - this is so cool! Thanks you everyone!!
* Throws streamers into the crowd and dispenses glasses of champagne *
OK, and as if this isn't a good reason to celebrate, then KollegePawty is! Put the date and time in your diary. 6 - 11pn New York time. Mum needs help working out the International time zones but we hope to have them, up soon. We are fundraising for @SpookyShorty before the Holiday season is upon us and we would love to bring the house down!
Twtvite is here
Tailgate Fare is here
Barktenders, DJ's and Quizzers are needed - pls DM @Whskr as soon as possible. Schedule is up here if the link works (not sure).
That sounds like fun. :)